Carbon Footprint Policy
Specialist Care Services is committed to reducing its environmental impact, where practicable. Carbon-reducing measures will form an integral part of the overall Company strategy and will help to improve operational performance and a reduction in potentially harmful emissions to land, water, and air.
Our aim is for a 0% carbon balance to be achieved within a realistic and achievable period. The target date will be set once the directors have analyzed all business operations.
To help achieve carbon neutrality, the Company will:
1. Comply with all current energy legislation, seeking to meet or better legislative targets
2. Minimize waste, promote recycling, and the use of recycled products to help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill.
3. Continue to promote and design energy efficiency, and therefore carbon-reducing equipment, on behalf of the clients.
4. promote environmental awareness and responsibility amongst employees and others and seek to continuously improve Company environmental performance.
5. Actively promote “video conferencing” as a means of reducing travelling.
6. Evaluate the potential benefits of carbon offsetting.
Actions developed to date include:
1. Integration of environmental issues into all aspects of the decision-making processes.
2. Sustainable sourcing Purchasing Policy.
3. Installation of energy efficiency. And therefore, carbon-reducing equipment throughout Company premises.
4. Vehicle sharing policy.
5. The assessment and procurement of fuel-efficient vehicles.
This policy clearly identifies the responsibilities and procedures for achieving Specialist Care Services’ stated objectives in all aspects of its activities leading to improved environmental performance, including reductions in both CO2 and methane emissions.